Sunday, November 20, 2011

Final Design 2

This design shows a paper plane flying. The theme for this design is lost. As we know paper now always fly to the same direction, it always fly depends on the wind, type of plane and lots of aspect. Thats why paper plane is always lost. Its dont have a proper direction. No one can direct it to the way they wanted, thats why is always lost.

I use a picture of trees for the background that I took by myself
this is the original image.
Next I add the paper plane.png file. I edit the color to make it blend and more real to the background. Using pencil tool in Adobe Illustrator, I put the arrow mark to make the lost direction. 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Final Design 1

This design shows how LIE is sometimes the key of winning the game. The LIE typo is somehow lies within the card to show by doing it, we can change the tide of game. I add a lot of card infront it to show how messy the game can be if you lie.

In this artwork, I took a shot from a slightly higher angle. The lighting that I use is table lamp. The card that on the table is arrange randomly. Five card is hold and more space is tilt for the typo. After the shooting, I use photoshop to put the typo in and adjust the lighting to make the mood more dull.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Two Artworks (Sketches) Second Artwork.

Cards that shows Lie in the game.

Burning joker card and the flames shows typo of Lie.

Set of card facing down, one of them is flip and the word Lie is there.

Card that is opened up like a peacock's tail within is shows the word Lie.

Two Artworks (Sketches) First Artwork.

Paper Plane that shows Lost is chosen by the lecturer.

The first image shows that the paper plane somehow crash landed is a bird's nest.

This image is a flying paper plane that flew not according to the throwers plan.

Paper plane that crash landed at the beach did not survive.

Colorful tracks that suppose to be the plane track, but the plane flew off the track and go down.

Flock of paper plane that fly together but one of them is lost and not following the others.

Plane that lost is carried by the ants and forever lost with it.

10 Random Things (Ideation)

Paper plane that shows Lost because we cannot direct it, it flew without a plan.

Flowers that shows Sweet, because of its smell, looks, taste.

Time, stopwatch shows the split second of your life and determine your Fate in your life.

Thunder, lightning represent Loud of its sound, Bright when it strikes, and its sound like a scream so its shows Sad.

Eyes reveling the Truth of any lies, Shows our Vision to shape the Future.

Rabbit hole that full of Mystery inside it. Journey of darkness only the creature knows it.

Hope that fade show the lantern. The fire inside that never stays and fade.

Basic things of fishing Luck, skills, whether, equipment is not enough.

Jellyfish that most of it is water show Empty because there's no other else in it.

The Idea of DOVE.

Dove as we know as a personal care product is chosen by the lecturer to be a subject and student is asked to write what you feel about it.

For me Dove is CLEAN. As the company shows the logo, the color that used, its represent Clean to me. The white dove is clearly shows cleaniness as the white feather shows.

Welcome to Media Arts 2 (LOVE)

The first exercise that given is that to illustrate LOVE and tell what you feel about love by illustration,
my idea is,

The first one represent 'The Lock' that means we need to unlock LOVE before trully got it and have it.

Once you got it, or found your true love, there's a lot of things happen in LOVE. This picture shows that all the things that LOVE got me.