Thursday, November 17, 2011

10 Random Things (Ideation)

Paper plane that shows Lost because we cannot direct it, it flew without a plan.

Flowers that shows Sweet, because of its smell, looks, taste.

Time, stopwatch shows the split second of your life and determine your Fate in your life.

Thunder, lightning represent Loud of its sound, Bright when it strikes, and its sound like a scream so its shows Sad.

Eyes reveling the Truth of any lies, Shows our Vision to shape the Future.

Rabbit hole that full of Mystery inside it. Journey of darkness only the creature knows it.

Hope that fade show the lantern. The fire inside that never stays and fade.

Basic things of fishing Luck, skills, whether, equipment is not enough.

Jellyfish that most of it is water show Empty because there's no other else in it.

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